Manuel Araya F.
Head of Laboratory and Founding Partner

Chemical Analyst, National Institute of Professional Training (INACAP, 1992.); Industrial Execution Engineer, Metropolitan Technological University (UTEM, 1998); Master Federico Santa María University (USM, 2016); Diploma "Statistical Analysis for Agricultural Studies (Universidad de Chile 2016). He began his professional activity at the Atomic Energy Center, in the area of hazardous waste research. Subsequently, he works in the Polymer Industry, in the Quality Control area, to later migrate to the Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, where he was Head of the Soil and Foliar Analysis Laboratory. Due to his interest in research in the agricultural area, he moved to the Viña del Mar University (UVM), working as Head of the Laboratory of the Agricultural and Environmental Research Center (CIAA-UVM), joining as a professor at the School of Sciences. Agricultural, in the same University. It is there that, together with Marcelo Kogan and Claudio Alister, he began to participate in the creation of the SIDAL Research Center, in which he is currently the Head of the Analytical Laboratory. He has participated in more than 15 national and international conferences, as well as in more than 16 scientific and technology transfer publications.