Marcelo Kogan A.
Director of the Board of Directors and Founding Partner

Agricultural Engineer University of Chile (1988); Magister (MSc) University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (1971) and PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) University of California, Davis USA (Weed Science Group, 1979). He has exercised his professional activity within the University field as well as in private companies. He was a professor at the University of Chile, Faculty of Agronomy. Research Director for LATAM at Stauffer Chemical Company in Westport, CT, USA (1983-1987). Professor at the Catholic University of Chile and Director of the Department of Plant Sciences and the Post-graduate in Crop Production. Director of the School of Agricultural Sciences and the Agricultural and Environmental Research Center (CIAA-UVM) at the University of Viña del Mar. In this he created the School of Agricultural Sciences, which he directed for five years. But it was in 2010, when together with Claudio Alister and Manuel Araya, they saw the need to create the SIDAL Research Center, as a novel option, from where they could continue contributing knowledge and accumulated experience of 55 years, in the areas of Eco-physiology of Weeds and Management Strategies in different agroforestry situations, environmental dynamics and sustainability in the use of herbicides. In the private area he has been a consultant in Chile and abroad (Colombia, Uruguay Argentina, Mexico). He has participated as a speaker in more than 90 national and international conferences and published more than 115 scientific and technology transfer articles, seven books, two book chapters and two innovation patents.